Monday, January 17, 2011

Establish A House of GOD

I haven't blogged in a couple days... SO BUSY! I was asked to provide the "simple" decorations for our stake's Relief Society fireside yesterday. Well.... I just don't do simple. Cute, awesome, very cool... but not simple. OOPS! Here is what I came up with...There was a hexagon table in the middle with four of these... (here is the CRAZY part... I SOLD ALL FOUR OF THESE WHILE AT THE FIRESIDE! with two more sales on the way... I kinda feel bad making money on Sunday.) The wood is 10"x12". I started with the idea from
and a four long tables coming out from the center. Each table had napkins for cheesecake...
They are double sided. I made the balls too. Look for tutorials on all this stuff this week.
What an incredible experience. Service ROCKS! I told the Stake RS President that I was NOT turning in receipts... :)


  1. I loved them! My little house has already found a home on our "mantle" aka the piano, right next to our framed copy of 'The Living Christ'. :)

  2. YOu are amazing to turn a basketball court into something amazing!

  3. I am Haddie Star Wars ;.) It began as Grammie Star Wars, but our second grandbabie could not say his "G" so now it is Haddie.

    Anyway, I love your work it is so "Outstanding" in your field ;.)

    I am new at the blog search and I have found you from "Under My Umbrella"

    I would love to enter for your "Wood You Be Mine" or Burlap Love.

    If I don't win I would love to purchase your product if this is possible.

    I wood ;.) love to purchase some of your other projects also.

    The Homes you have made, JESUS CHRIST, GOD those are the ones besides also the Burlap Love ;.)

    my email address

    Thank you,
    Haddie ;.)
